Why the Productive Musician? And what's a bloglette?!


Thank you so much for stopping by and welcome to my new blog,

The Productive Musician!

My name is Sarah Whitney and I'm a professional violinist, teacher, artistic director, career coach and entrepreneur.

To me, the word “productive” encompasses a broad spectrum of topics. The Productive Musician bloglettes will include practical time-saving email tricks, mindset-altering techniques to get into a good headspace, and health and wellness tips. I have found all of these tools essential to my wellbeing as a musician and human being.

What's a bloglette, you ask? In true productivity fashion, all posts will be under 250 words so you can read quickly and efficiently!

Years ago I encountered some serious hand injuries that, in many ways, stopped me dead in my tracks both professionally and personally. I was faced with terrifying uncertainties about my life, both physically and mentally.

The journey from then until now has taught me more than I could have ever imagined, making the past few years transformative in all areas of my life. These experiences catapulted me into a world of personal and career development and have made me passionate about sharing this information with others.

Please stay tuned for my first blog post and I hope you find something helpful or inspiring here! I will add new things every other week and if you’d like to be notified about blog updates, please sign up for my mailing list below!



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